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27 Mar 2014

GRAND OPENING / Community Garden


A big day for the garden is fast approaching! The garden will be open for planting to those who have signed up for a plot this Saturday, March 29th, following a fun schedule of opening events. You are invited to join in on opening day festivities! The opening day event will begin at 11:30a with remarks from garden project leaders and a ribbon cutting. At 12:30, the YMCA will host a plant sale. The events will be wrapped up by an onsite gardening demo from 1:30-2.

Congrats to all those who have signed up for a garden plot! We are pleased to announce that all of the plots were sold out on the day they became available. If you were unable to obtain a plot but are still interested in being in the garden, you can look forward to many future garden events and ways to be involved.

Here’s a peak at the garden’s progress. Thanks to the help of many wonderful volunteers, the fence is complete! The toolshed is nearly ready.

Photo taken by Philip Rogers

Thanks again to all of the great volunteers who made it out to the community workdays. We couldn’t have gotten this far without you. We hope to see you in the garden soon!


“Is the spring coming?" he said. "What is it like?"... "It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine...” - Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden